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Benefits of the remote work model for employees and organizations

Prior to the start of coronavirus (COVID-19), work from home model or remote work model was mostly allowed in case of emergency situations and was considered to be a luxury being given to employees.

Today, the model is seen to be widely accepted amongst employees and employers worldwide.

Even many company management has gained confidence in the employee’s performance when working from home, which was one of the most important drivers to encourage companies to move to a fully remote structure. Also, many employees preferred being in home office.¹

In this post we highlight how offering a remote work model can benefit an employee and organization.

Offering flexibility in job hours can ensure your business is up and running 24*7

By offering a remote work model, you automatically allow employees to select the time of working hours. This way, considering the strength of your organization, you can ensure that your organization has someone behind the scene throughout the 24-hour cycle time of a day.

For example, considering website developers who are majorly responsible to ensure the company website is up and running 24*7, would like to have flexibility in performing their job. Some would like to code early mornings shift, some throughout the day, and others through the night shift.

Allowing employees to create their own workspace will help reduce the stress of being time-constraint

Enforcing strict work hours can bring discipline, however, it can reduce the efficiency of an employee by making them think only within the box and not outside the box. This will also directly impact an organization’s retention strategy as the employees may find their daily routine to be monotonous to carry on. Of course, an employee is liable to complete their productive hours with complete integrity and transparency. 

Reduce unnecessary commuting stress

Remote work model can ensure that an employee is beginning to work with a sound mind as it eliminates the need of having to be present at a fixed location to get started with their daily tasks.

Contribute to a pollution-free environment

With the increasing population across the globe and vehicles being the primary source for commuting, offering a remote work model will automatically reduce the number of office commuters and their vehicle gas emission rates.


Despite the major challenge of a remote job work model, lack of face-to-face interaction, approximately seven of ten employees in the US find it easier to present in groups and less stressful to present in online meetings rather than in person, as per a recent study by Statista.²



