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Healthcare Provider Risk Adjustment Preparation

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How Providers and Technology Can Collaborate for Quality Care in 2025

As 2025 approaches, healthcare providers must urgently reassess their risk adjustment strategies. With stricter CMS compliance measures and rising audit scrutiny, now is the time to streamline operations and safeguard both revenue and compliance for the new year.

The adoption of value-based care (VBC) is accelerating, with 93.5 million Americans already enrolled in Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs), and a growing number of payers are embracing alternative payment models (APMs).

Healthcare compliance and AI are increasingly important as Medicare Advantage and commercial plans have seen significant growth in value-based care adoption in recent years.

As we advance to 2025, healthcare provider risk adjustment preparation has become crucial for the rapid adoption of value-based care (VBC), increased government regulations, and shifting payment models. The urgency to adapt has never been greater, and providers need to act now to ensure a smooth transition into 2025.

Furthermore, By 2025, care services valued at up to $265 billion for Medicare fee-for-service and Medicare Advantage beneficiaries may transition to home-based settings.

The Importance of Year-End Preparation

As per CMS guidelines 2025 updates and with the transition to the V28 model, the healthcare landscape is evolving with major transformations. This shift highlights the growing significance of year-end preparation in the current landscape. With CMS regulations tightening and audit scrutiny increasing, healthcare provider risk adjustment preparation must ensure their practices are protected. This period offers a prime opportunity to strengthen compliance, coding accuracy, and revenue integrity—three pillars that will safeguard both financial stability and regulatory standing in the year ahead.

Through careful year-end preparatory measures, healthcare providers can confidently navigate the nuances of 2025.

  • Financial Health: Review your financial performance early, addressing any revenue fluctuations to maintain stability and ensure a strong foundation heading into 2025.
  • Compliance: Conduct a thorough compliance audit, identifying and resolving coding gaps to avoid penalties under key regulations, such as CMS, HIPAA, and OSHA.
  • Staff Training & Readiness: Conduct performance reviews and professional development to ensure staff meets regulatory demands and maintains quality patient care.
  • Medical Documentation: Focus on accurate risk adjustment coding to safeguard revenue and compliance while evaluating your insurance contracts and tech systems to enhance efficiency.

Take action now to ensure your practice is prepared for 2025! 


Why a Comprehensive Year-End Audit Holds Key Relevance

As the year draws to a close, healthcare provider risk adjustment preparation must prioritize a comprehensive review of their coding, documentation, and compliance practices. This thorough examination is essential to ensure accurate risk adjustment data submission, which directly impacts financial returns on investment (ROI).

  • Identifying Coding Issues with the MEAT Framework: A key component of the year-end audit is the identification of under claimed codes, coding gaps, and over-claimed diagnoses. Applying the MEAT framework—Monitoring, Evaluation, Assessment, and Treatment—ensures that all diagnosis codes submitted to CMS meet compliance standards and reflect accurate patient conditions. By systematically addressing these issues, healthcare provider risk adjustment preparation can ensure accurate CMS risk adjustment data submission and prevent revenue loss due to coding errors while simultaneously enhancing compliance with regulatory requirements.
  • The Role of Mock Internal Audits: Conducting mock internal audits is vital in the year-end review process. Relying solely on a limited chart examination exposes providers to potential inaccuracies. A more comprehensive audit allows the detection of overlooked or incorrectly coded diagnoses, ensuring they remain accountable for all diagnosis codes submitted to CMS.
  • Understanding Patient Complexity: Comprehensive audits are all about having a solid understanding of patient complexity. By accounting for underlying conditions that may affect health outcomes and the cost of care, healthcare providers can deliver personalized treatment while reducing financial disparities. Accurate documentation and coding—especially for Hierarchical Condition Categories (HCC)—capture the intricacies of patients’ chronic conditions, facilitating proper risk adjustment.
  • Continuous Care Optimization through Retrospective Reviews: Implementing retrospective audit solutions for healthcare, using RAAPID’s retrospective risk adjustment solutions combined with suspect analytics, enables healthcare providers to evaluate past care and anticipate future health outcomes. Regular audits ensure compliance with evolving CMS guidelines for encounter data error management and submission processes. This proactive approach guarantees documentation accuracy while prioritizing error corrections based on their impact on risk scores.
  • Aim For Timely Data Submission and Audit Preparation: With the CMS processing period extending over two years beyond the service date, timely risk adjustment data submission is critical. Understanding the timing of risk adjustment activities is crucial for accurate data reporting and removal of inappropriate data. Additionally, managing RAPS and EDPS response reports can be complex due to varying formats from different sources.

Thus, conducting a comprehensive year-end audit is essential for the provider community to ensure compliance, enhance coding accuracy, and ultimately improve ROI. By taking these steps now, healthcare providers can navigate the challenges ahead with confidence and precision.

Adopting AI-Driven Prospective Range of Solutions for 2025 Is the Way Forward

In 2025, expect a digital-first healthcare model that directs patients to optimal care settings. Primary care networks will manage population health through a patient-centric approach.

Neuro-Symbolic AI in healthcare and AI-enabled pre-visit solutions will enhance communication among healthcare providers, leading to more coordinated, efficient, and cost-effective care.

As value-based care and AI integration take center stage, implementing AI-driven pre-visit solutions is crucial. This proactive approach is essential for identifying coding gaps, suspected conditions, and under-claimed codes before patient encounters, ultimately enhancing care quality and financial performance.

  • Preparing for 2025 and Beyond: RAAPID’s AI-powered prospective solutions is transforming the patient care continuum by optimizing workflows and improving patient  care quality. This suite, comprising three key components—Prospective Pre-Visit Solution, Prospective Point-of-Care Solution, and Prospective Post-Visit Pre-Claim leverages advanced technology to support clinical teams providers in transitioning to value-based care.
  • Enhancing Care with Prospective Pre-Visit Solution: The Prospective Pre-Visit Solution equips pre-care teams with AI-driven insights derived from 360-degree longitudinal data. This solution streamlines manual chart reviews and annual wellness visit planning by identifying conditions, care gaps, and chronic issues.
  • Real-Time Insights with the Prospective Point-of-Care Solution: The EHR-agnostic Prospective Point-of-Care Solution integrates seamlessly with any EHR, offering real-time AI-driven insights to address care gaps during patient visits.
  • Ensuring Accuracy with the Prospective Post-Visit Pre-Claim Audit Solution: The EHR-integrated Prospective Post-Visit Pre-Claim Audit Solution guarantees accurate diagnostic coding and complete documentation before submitting claims.

Thus, RAAPID’s suite of prospective solutions offers healthcare providers the tools they need to excel, enhancing operational efficiency while maximizing financial returns.

Retrospective Reviews: A Strategic Approach to Recapturing Revenue

  • Timeliness is Key: Starting retrospective coding projects earlier—ideally in spring or winter—can significantly enhance revenue recapture. This proactive strategy allows Medicare Advantage (MA) organizations to chase additional charts and conduct second-level reviews, leading to more accurate data submissions. The extended CMS deadlines from the COVID-19 pandemic offer a strategic advantage for aligning retrospective reviews with these new timelines.
  • Frequent Updates for Continuous Improvement: MA organizations should implement more frequent process updates to capture missed opportunities sooner. Regular retrospective reviews help identify under-claimed codes, enabling revenue recapture and quicker adaptation to regulatory changes.
  • The Value of Early Initiation: Initiating retrospective reviews early enhances coding accuracy and reduces overwhelming chart requests. Projects lasting three months may process only 65% of records, while six-month projects can achieve about 85%.
  • Maximizing ROI Through Strategic Reviews: Choosing between first-level and second-pass reviews is vital for high ROI. Organizations that focus on robust chronic condition coding automation practices through systematic reviews can recapture lost revenue and prepare for the challenges of 2025. RAAPID’s retrospective solution can identify both under-claimed and over-claimed codes, streamlining compliance while maximizing revenue.
  • Enhancing Risk Adjustment with RAAPID’s Retrospective Solution: Healthcare organizations seeking to optimize risk adjustment processes can significantly benefit from the RAAPID retrospective risk adjustment solution. This solution drastically reduces manual coding efforts by efficiently extracting ICD-10-CM and Hierarchical Condition Category (HCC) codes, resulting in enhanced accuracy and efficiency.

RAAPID’s advanced algorithms analyze clinical documentation in real time, capturing the most current information for risk adjustment coding. This capability allows the system to interpret unstructured EHR documents, identifying critical clinical details that traditional administrative codes may overlook.

Furthermore, the scalability of the RAAPID solution is essential in today’s data-driven healthcare environment, enabling organizations to manage large volumes of medical documents effortlessly. With proven effectiveness validated in multiple studies/POCs, RAAPID’s retrospective risk adjustment solution streamlines the coding process, saving time and resources while ensuring precise and comprehensive risk adjustment.

Healthcare Provider Risk Adjustment Preparation Includes Coder Training Aimed At Boosting Efficiency

The effectiveness of AI tools relies heavily on comprehensive training as part of payer and clinical team education. A limited understanding of Hierarchical Condition Category (HCC) principles among healthcare providers can hinder accurate coding and risk adjustment. It is crucial that healthcare provider risk adjustment preparation incorporates proper education and training to ensure correct documentation and coding practices.

As AI tools like RAAPID’s NLP-powered solutions become more prevalent, coding staff must receive robust training to maximize these tools’ potential. Without proper training, even advanced automation can fall short in reducing errors.

  • Mastering Hierarchical Condition Categories (HCC): Comprehensive training helps coders fully understand Hierarchical Condition Categories (HCC), a critical element in accurate risk adjustment coding. Lack of HCC knowledge can lead to inaccuracies, jeopardizing compliance and financial performance.
  • RAAPID’s Commitment to Coder Training: RAAPID believes equipping coders with essential skills enhances efficiency, allowing teams to optimize AI tools and improve patient care. Effective training strengthens compliance and prepares healthcare providers for critical tasks like Risk Adjustment Data Submission.
  • Empowering Coders for Success: Proper training enhances the skills of medical coders, enabling them to leverage AI-powered chart review for healthcare and streamline coding processes while minimizing errors.


In summary, adequate year-end preparation is vital for healthcare providers navigating the evolving landscape of value-based care in 2025. Organizations can enhance compliance, coding accuracy, and, ultimately, financial stability by prioritizing comprehensive audits, staff training, and embracing AI-driven solutions.

Addressing coding gaps and leveraging tools like RAAPID’s risk adjustment solutions will optimize risk adjustment processes and ensure a seamless transition into the new year, paving the way for improved patient outcomes and operational success.



Don’t wait—optimize your risk adjustment strategy today. 

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Disclaimer: All the information, views, and opinions expressed in this blog are inspired by Healthcare IT industry trends, guidelines, and their respective web sources and are aligned with the technology innovation, products, and solutions that RAAPID offers to the Risk adjustment market space in the US.